Saturday, October 29, 2011

Task 10: Constructing a Fable

When writing a fable, I believe that one has to keep in mind of these elements in order to effectively engage the reader into the story. First, think of a moral and construct the fable from that point on. Try to come up with animals that not only demonstrate personification, but also to have symbolic meaning, which would enforce the moral(s). The plots could have some form of a twist. Symbolism, foreshadowing, and other literary devices provide excitement to the mundane plot and the mere observation in the characters' progression in his or her values. The protagonist must remain the cynosure of the story. The fable should be written in third person omniscient. Consequently, the reader can grasp the character's temperament and thought process. Lastly, try to maintain the protagonist as the sole dynamic character while the others be static characters. This way there would be a clear contrast.

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