Saturday, October 1, 2011

Task 5: Blog about Nancy Sommers' "Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers"

The article got my attention as it made me think twice on how to approach the rewrite. One of the common propensities that students make is to approach revision as an opportunity to use the thesaurus to replace words with "better ones." They fail to realize that revision should be a chance for the writer to solidify their arguments; also, it is a way to be consistent in the structure of their sentences such as the use of introductory phrases to allow the reader to follow the progression of the paper. I knew before reading this article that it takes more than mere word replacements to strengthen the essay. However, I could not acknowledge exactly what to do. I realize now that revision is like a rewriting process where the writer looks at his or her paper through an hypothetical, critical reader. In addition, I try to ensure that the body paragraphs contain faithful connections to the thesis statement. At times, I would move the body paragraphs around to have a better flow of ideas.

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